01 October 2007

the spitter.

mercer has really learned how to use his lips these past couple of weeks. he's spitting like crazy and pumping out saliva like a fountain. pop has also learned to utilize his spitting by sticking his pinky across mercer's lips to get funny noises out of him. it's fun for everybody.

mercer had fun in day care today. he's usually in there with two other girls. we have to keep an eye on the both of them so there's no funny business. mercer will keep to himself with gumming and playing, but i think those girls have their eyes on our little cuddler. girls are crafty.

we had a good time playing tonight in all of the normal ways. we can't believe it's october already. the weather is getting chillier and mercer's first halloween is coming. he already has his costume picked out, though we won't be going door to door. he's much too young for that, but we'll probably dress him up for pictures and maybe a get together or something.

mercer is eating now and closing his eyes softly. one trick we learned to make mercer sleepy is to rub him gently between the eyes. he immediately begins to close them and then drifts off. then comes the trick of placing him in the crib for sleeping, but mom and pop have gotten very good at that.

there's a new poll question up. last time, the majority of you thought that mercer was cute enough to squeeze, while a few of you thought he was as cute as a polar bear eating ice cream. now, it's time to think about what mercer's first word might be! you've only got a week, so get voting!

sleep tight.

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