02 October 2007

sweet pea.

well, mercer had peas for the first time tonight and he didn't really like them. he swished them around in his mouth a little bit, gave us a puzzled look, and then spit most of them back out onto his bib. i don't blame him. mom and pop eat a lot of things, but peas aren't at the top of the list, that's for sure. he was fine with the squash and we'll try again tomorrow. maybe he was just tired and wanted to get some napping done.

mercer slept very well last night, straight through to 6, when mom and pop get up anyway. his leg got caught in one of the crib posts so he was whining a bit. that's understandable. we fed him and put him back to bed until we left for day care, at around 8.

tomorrow, pop gets mercer all day. hopefully he's as good as he was last week so dad can get some work done. he hasn't really cried in weeks and only whines when he's tired or hungry. we feel that we're lucky, but don't have too much to compare mercer to. we've been told that newborns are hard work, but we wouldn't call it work; more like a change of pace. mercer is a fun guy to hang out with.

speaking of mercer, he's chowing down now and within 5 minutes he'll be helplessly draped over marmi's shoulder, snoozing away.

it's a big sports day tomorrow. daddy needs mercer's help to root on the fightin' phils and chelsea against valencia!

sleep tight.

1 comment:

ginger said...

Hey sweet pea,
Sound like you had a great day. peas are hard to get used to. but they are good for you.( i loved the fresh pea soup from your mom and dad's wedding plus great aunt Karen makes a mean pot of pea soup with croƻtons. and hot dogs). don't give up too easily. after all peas sell, so people must eat them. for they aren't all over the place, being shot from a straw!!