04 October 2007

a hurricane of nails and drool.

nothing much to note today. mercer spent the day with mom and was a good boy, as usual. solid and liquid food was eaten. it was disgustingly hot all day (anything above 75) and the air conditioner is now being cranked for mercer's sleeping session tonight. he likes it at a crisp 66 degrees. when we don't hear him at night and it's chilly, sometimes we wonder whether he's sound asleep or frozen like a popsicle. he's usually asleep. don't worry.

so, a couple of random things to note. one, mercer's hair is coming back in nicely. he used to sport quite a large fro but that all came out at around four months. a nice, thin blond coat is coming in and mercer is looking quite handsome. hay hair!

two, mercer's wingspan is enormous. when he's coming at you with his arms outstretched, look out! the arms are just so unbelievably long (perfect for goalkeeping). plus, his nails are growing back at an alarming rate. i know that's a sign of good health, but when he lands a quick jab or uppercut to your face, it's not only the force of a hand, but a hand with sharpened points perfect for poking! mercer loves horseplay and roughhousing. daddy loves it too, because it tires the little roundface out.

time to clean up and tuck mercer in for the night.

sleep tight.

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