15 October 2007

tiny sniffles.

last night was off and on in terms of sleeping. mercer still has a case of sniffles and congestion so pop decided to take a day off and care for little mercer. he took two long naps today that will hopefully help him beat this cold. the first nap was on daddy's chest for about 2 hours. pop was stranded as mercer slumbered; he really needed that nap. then, right before mom came home from work, mercer slept another two uninterrupted hours without coughing or sneezing. right now, he's whining because he's both hungry and sleepy, which is very normal. let's hope he gets better through the night.

we went for a long walk after dinner and stopped for some coffee and cake afterwards. when we got home, mercer played with some toys in the bumbo chair while mom and pop finished up an episode of law and order. neither parent got much sleep last night so it's probably going to be an early bedtime; at least for mommy.

the poll closes soon and the results so far are very interesting. all will be revealed in tomorrow night's post. oh, the excitement! a new poll will be up soon and a new photo album will be sent out on mercer's six month birthday. now, that's excitement!!

we started a new feature in last night's post - mercer's music picks. we give you links to some music that mom, pop, and mercer have been listening to recently. we'll begin the feature with one song per day, but mercer likes so much music that we'll probably bump it up to two or three a day.

mercer's music:
iron and wine - "boy with a coin"

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