26 October 2007

product spotlight: munchkin diaper organizer

this is one of those things we bought because we figured we needed it, but didn't really know how it would play into our everyday lives. well, it's played a huge role so far. it's a fantastic
diaper changing system that, as the photograph shows, is usually fastened to the baby's crib or changing table. we actually have it fastened to the wall just above mercer's upstairs changing station. it has come in very handy as it offers quick access to diapers, wipes, creams, toys, q-tips, and anything else you want to store for quick access. having everything in one place makes the annoying task of diapering a kicking and squirming baby very simple. the only downside is that it's not the sturdiest so its shape doesn't hold as well as seen in the photo, but for the price, it's pretty fantastic.

mercer gives this product: 4 fingers in the mouth!

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