08 October 2007


so today was mommy's 30th birthday. we dropped little mercer off at day care and had the rest of the day to ourselves. we wanted to do something that we couldn't normally do with mercer. he's a very mobile and agreeable baby, so trying to think of something was tough. we agreed on seeing a movie and saw a great little picture called ira and abby. it was short, sweet, and to the point. it's hard for us to watch anything 2 hours and over anymore. make your point and get on with it.

afterwards, we picked up an ice cream cake for mom's birthday and went right home. mommy took a well deserved nap while daddy started to make dinner. when it came time to pick mercer up, mom was still sleeping, so dad snuck out, picked up mercer, and surprised a sleeping mommy with a fresh-faced and giggling mercer! it was a great birthday present!

now it's time for more sleep for everyone. it was a long and busy (and hot) weekend. we're looking forward to colder weather and the coming of halloween. the photographs of mercer's first costume are going to be priceless! stay tuned.

sleep tight.

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