09 October 2007

chief roundface.

thanks to everyone who voted in the last poll. it seems that most of you think mercer's first word will be "pa," followed by "ma," and "sandwich." very interesting. pop's vote would be for "fresh" because he hears that a lot. actually, mercer has kind of blabbered a bunch of words already: dada, mama, jorreeab, blue jet, boobear, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwooooaahhhh.

the new poll is up, but it's actually more like a quiz. only mommy and daddy know the real answer, but we'd like to see what y'all think. mercer laughs a whole bunch, but what tickle region makes him giggle the most? the result will be revealed in about a week when the poll closes. vote away!

mercer had a normal day at day care today. he had a bunch of scratches on his face that let daddy know he needed to cut mercer's nails again. he just cut them two days ago! he is a nail-growing machine! he is also kicking daddy in the arm as he writes this blog. we're posting a little bit early tonight because everyone wants to get some rest later. mercer is bouncing around on the couch, grabbing at pillow corners and blankets, drooling, and punching his fists into the cushions. we're all celebrating the cold weather that arrived today, waiting for 8pm so we can start the mercer process. i'm still planning on a post describing our patented sleeping process, so stay tuned for that.

mercer can't quite crawl yet (or turn over from belly to back), but if you put him down somewhere, he'll spin around on his belly 360 degrees. it's pretty fun to watch and it gets the little guy really tired....like right now! he's just laying here, resting his head on the couch, smacking his foot randomly against pop's arm. here come the yawns...

sleep tight.

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