16 October 2007

road to recovery.

mercer had a terrific night last night, sleeping from 8:30pm all the way to 7am. in fact, pop had to wake mercer up so everyone could get ready for the day. mercer sounded and looked well enough to go to school so we dropped him off early because mom had to catch a train to the city. we gave mercer our goodbye kisses, but as soon as he saw all the colors and toys at day care, he forgot all about us. a hint of things to come, perhaps; only it won't be colors and toys distracting little mercer in the future.

anyway, all was normal the rest of the day. both mom and pop had good days at work and picked up a mismatched mercer up from day care. he blew through a couple of outfits and the only clothes he had left were some odds and ends. we send mercer to day care with junkier clothing in case he soils it or it gets misplaced, etc. luckily for us, mercer looks cute in just about anything. we played with mercer for the rest of the night, fed him some bananas (he is still getting over the cold so he wasn't too interested), had dinner, and that's about it. mercer took a short nap on daddy, which makes two chest naps in two days. pop is proud as mercer was never prone to nap on him before.

the latest poll question has CLOSED! the results are quite interesting, really. 64% of you thought that mercer's feet were the most ticklish and 28% said his belly was ripe for tickles. well, neither of those are even in the top two! mercer's second most ticklish region is..his armpits! we tested this tonight, actually, for fairness and accuracy. so...the number one most ticklish region on mercer is.....his legs!! that's right. mercer loves it when you tickle his thick, meaty legs. nobody voted for legs, so sadly, the one million dollar prize goes to waste. that poll seemed to go on forever and I think a lot of people voted more than once. we'll have a new poll up tomorrow that will surely entertain and bewilder all of our faithful readers. it will probably have a shorter shelf life, as well. mom and pop are still tinkering with this here blog.

tomorrow is another busy day in the life of mercer. he turns 6 months old, sees the doctor for his routine checkup and shots, and pop will be sending out a brand new photo album featuring around 30 photographs of mercer since he was 5 months. some of these photos have already been featured in this blog, but not everyone in mercer's universe reads this blog (yet) and we don't want to shortchange them. mercer just keeps getting cuter, but then again, mom and pop are biased.

mercer's music!
ryan adams - "goodnight rose"

sleep tight...

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