24 October 2007

a productive day.

mercer was a very good boy for pop today. lots of long naps were taken (in the crib!), lots of solid foods were eaten, and many giggles were handed out. plus, mercer and pop's favorite soccer team won, so smiles were plentiful all night long. mercer had lots of different foods today, including mixed cereal, sweet potatoes, green beans, and peaches. it's strange, but mercer doesn't seem to like fruit at all. he prefers his veggies, which is fine with us. we're going to give him some avocado soon and see what happens.

we're also starting to move mercer around in a normal stroller. he seems to like it very much and mom and pop also need to look into getting a new car seat. mercer's arms and legs are hanging out of the one he's using now, which is dangerous.

mercer is also getting excited for this weekend since he gets to see sydney, a friend he hasn't seen in quite some time.

a new poll will be up soon, we promise. try to contain your excitement!

division day - "every shining time you arrive" (cover)

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