07 October 2007

a heated harvest.

so it is sunday night and pop is still very tired. everyone had a good time at mom's birthday party last night. mercer had a fun time with MeMa last night, too. mom and pop didn't get home too late, but when they did, they found little mercer slumbering away as usual. i expect he'll do the same tonight, provided it isn't too hot. he is very anxious to be fed tonight and get into bed. he had a busy day.

mom, pop, mercer, MeMa, and uncle matt piled into Charlie Charger and took a drive up to the country to pick some apples. unfortunately, the place we had chosen to do our picking was unbelievably crowded. instead, we drove further down the road to a harvest festival that was being held at an old vineyard. there were games, vendors, food items, antiques, and that sort of thing. it was fun, but way too hot for a harvest festival in october. hopefully, it cools down a bit. we didn't pick any apples today, but really, no one was ever going to bake or eat all of those apples we would've picked.

mercer is drowsy and ready to hit the sack. pop isn't too far behind. mommy's birthday is tomorrow. we're not sure what we're doing yet, bu whatever it is, it will involve ice cream cake!

sleep tight.


Unknown said...


Glad to hear you and your family had such a nice weekend for Jill's birthday. Sounds like fun.
Sorry we couldn't be there to help celebrate, but Happy Birthday today Jill. Watch the mail for your present and have a great day today. Kisses to Mercer!
Love, Mom L.

Grandpa said...

Happy Birthday Jill!