12 October 2007

the sensitive boy.

mercer developed a barking cough last night. it didn't really bother him much, only his parents. he sounded congested, too. so, mom took him to the doctor early friday morning so she could have a looksee. the doctor didn't find any ear, nose, or throat infections and he didn't have a fever. i guess it's just a cough or virus of some sort. he got better, cough-wise, as the day went on, but he was very sensitive all day. he needed mommy's touch and when he got home, pop's touch, too. whenever mercer was put down into his pack n play or rocker to be left alone, he cried like, well, a baby, for a minute or two and then would forget about it. mercer did look kind of unhappy and uncomfortable all day. he still wanted food, he still smiled, still laughed, but he just seemed out of sorts. we think he was very tired, since he couldn't get his normal sleeping in.

mercer's eating pattern was messed up a little bit, too. but, to make him sleepy at night, instead of food, dad read mercer a couple of books: curious george and the costume party, and a counting book of animals. we had mercer counting with us and i think that's what really got him sleepy. he's trying to get through the night right now as comfortably as he can; pop is watching some sopranos reruns downstairs, unable to sleep, and mom is probably slumbering away upstairs with mercer, ready to pounce on mercer's every desire as needed.

overall, mercer is an amazing baby. even when he's sick like this, he's still cute and happy. we've been lucky, but i think part of it has to do with mom and pop's easy-going genes. i have the feeling that this isn't the worst of it, but i'll take it.

sleep tight...

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