26 October 2007

baby tricks.

one of the fun things about being a parent is watching this little creature grow, develop, and best of all, learn new tricks. mercer, for example, has been learning the ins and outs of hand-eye coordination. sitting up in his bumbo chair, we place objects of various sizes (usually fun-sized candy bars, dried fruits, or hard candies - all packaged; except for the fruit) on the tray in front of him and watch him go to work. mercer tries to coordinate his fingers in order to pinch and grab the object we place for him. larger objects are obviously easier, but smaller things can take a good while. it can be frustrating to watch mercer just miss a dried date with his swooping little pincher-fingers, arms flailing back and forth, eyes focused. but when he finally gets hold of it, it's all smiles. it's as good as a new law and order episode with a thrilling finale....but with a giggling baby at the end. the first thing mercer wants to do, of course, is put the newly-captured object in his mouth, but mom and pop make sure that doesn't happen.

so, we have a new poll up and running. make sure you take a minute to seal mercer's professional fate when you decide what he might be when he grows up. there's a bunch of choices. of course we don't cover them all, but this is a good start.

on to the weekend! lots of excitement and halloween adventures are in store! updates (and hopefully photos) to come!

mock orange - "beauty of a scar"

sleep tight...

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