30 September 2007

that big city mercer.

mercer is very tired tonight. he had a big day. mom and dad loaded up the car and took a drive down to manhattan this morning (no traffic! 28 minutes!) to do some strolling, browsing, and leisurely shopping. first up though, was a quick bite to eat at swich, which was what appeared to be a fairly new pressed sandwich shop. it was pretty good, though nothing amazing. then we strolled around ye olde manhattan, buying a couple things for mercer, of course, because he was such a good boy. mommy has been a good mommy, too, so she got herself a new pair of jeans. we also stopped by the location of mommy's big birthday celebration next weekend and ironed out the plans there. on the way back to the car, we passed by some bars showing the mets losing and the phillies winning the nl east, so that made daddy very happy.

the drive home was a bit slower, traffic-wise, but no big deal. once we got home we played with mercer a little bit and fed him some delicious pears, carrots, and rice cereal (next week: peas!). mercer is having his nightly feeding now and showing that bottle who's boss. we predict a good sleep tonight, as usual.

since mercer has been going to bed around 8:30, mom and dad have been able to watch a few movies at night. some recent ones include: jarhead (decent, too long), lonesome jim (pretty good, casey affleck is very good), and the departed (entertaining and some good twists; lots of blood. first time seeing it for mom, 2nd for pop).

also, after dealing with putting mercer in and out of the car seat these past few weeks, we remembered a nickname we've been calling him a lot: pencil legs! he puts up some resistance to the car seat and straightens his legs very tightly. once he's in, he loves it, of course, but he straightens his legs in all kinds of situations; he points his toes down so they look like sharpened pencil points!

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