26 September 2007

the good boy.

today, mercer was very well-behaved, taking lots of long naps while daddy got a lot of work done. in addition to the normal baby circuit training (bumbo sitter, rocker, floor gym, walker, swing, etc.) that takes place, mercer and pop went for a walk at lunchtime for a sandwich. getting out of the house as much as possible is always a good idea for new fathers. not only are there plenty of compliments, but it keeps you sane.

when mommy got home, daddy started prepping dinner (spicy chicken sandwiches) while mommy fed mercer oatmeal (blah) and green beans, which produced an ear-to-ear grin. mercer loves his solid foods so far and we're all very lucky that mercer hasn't shown any food allergies as of yet. the running family joke is that mercer will eat food no matter how he gets it: breast-feeding, a bottle, a spoon, through a hole in an old gym sock...

mercer wore a brown and white striped onesie today and looked cute in it all day long. he's especially cute when he's napping on your chest and then all of the sudden, his head pops up and he looks you right in the eyes and giggles. he never stops smiling and more importantly, exploring. he grabs hold of anything he can get his hands on, which is an indication that mom and dad need to be extra careful from now on.

mercer is feeding on some formula right now and is again very tired. he woke up last night at 4am because he only had one ounce to eat before falling asleep. all in all, 7 hours of sleep on one ounce of food isn't too bad. pop thinks he'll eat more tonight, though.

sleep tight.


Grandpa said...

Your vote should have another choice; "Cutest baby on Earth". That's what I'd vote, but then again, I'm the Grandpa.

Brian said...

"through a hole in an old gym sock"

I'm hoping this isn't a proven theory.