28 September 2007

pear boy.

today, mercer spent the day with mommy, being a good boy as she worked. mercer did the usual baby circuit training and practiced his spitting all day. mommy was feeding mercer water just before daddy got home from work and the first thing daddy was treated to was mercer barfing all over a stuffed turtle we use as a pillow! delicious! he does that from time to time and it's not much a concern. we don't mind cleaning up because all he does is smile. he even smiles when he throws up.

mommy fed mercer pears for the first time today (after he barfed)! i don't think he knows quite what to think yet, but he didn't spit them up. he just had a puzzled look on his face and then he swallowed. it's the first solid fruit we've ever fed him so i guess he's just filing it away in his food database. pop probably had the same look on his face the first time he tried rabbit, oxtail, or quail egg. it took some getting used to, but it's all delicious in the end.

we all went for a brief walk after a short and much needed rainfall. then we came home and relaxed and now it's time for the nightly feeding. daddy was making weird noises to mercer a few seconds ago and mercer responded by giggling away. it's hard not to play with mercer all night long because he loves any new sounds. it's a great rush to hear mercer giggle and you just want to keep him giggling. but, he needs his food and his sleep routine. such is life.

actually, mercer needs a big sleep tonight because he's getting a visit from our friend caroline tomorrow! apple picking might be in the cards after mercer and pop watch chelsea take on fulham at 10am. c'mon chelsea!

sleep tight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did the poopsmith cry due to Mr. Mourinho's departure?