25 September 2007

who is the clean baby?

today, mercer spent the day at school (day care) while marm and pop were at work. every time we leave him, it's a little tough, but he's always smiling and there is always lots for him to do there. it's a joy to pick him up at the end of the day and see that he is still smiling.

once we got home, pop started dinner (baked pork with garlic roasted potatoes and a cucumber/tomato salad) and marm fed mercer some green beans, oatmeal, and formula. we want him to eat enough at around 5:30 so he lasts until we start his sleeping process, which usually begins around 8. lately, he's been getting fussy at around 7:30 so marm and pop play with him pretty aggressively to keep him occupied. tonight, we played around on the floor with some stuffed creatures. mercer giggles anytime we toss a stuffed animal on him or tap him with a stuffed paw. he pumps his arms and his legs go up and down. he tired of this after 10 minutes, so pop began to read a bunch of stories. together, mercer and pop read: "and to think I saw it on mulberry street," "the story of ferdinand," and the preface to tom colicchio's "think like a chef."

at around 8, mercer began rubbing his eyes and started to whine so marm went to prepare his evening snack while pop started the bath. marm is now feeding mercer and he is slowly falling asleep. we think tonight he will fall asleep before the feeding is over. that might not be good if he decides to wake up in the middle of the night to ask for more food.

mom and pop had a good, normal day. they got to see mercer's friend, sydney, who is as cute as ever and growing like a weed. pop needs to re-read his blog tomorrow morning to remind himself that the recycling needs to go to the street.

sleep tight.

1 comment:

Jen Elliott said...

What a great idea guys!!! Now we can watch little Mercer grow... Have a great day. See you soon!!

All our love,
The Elliott's