16 January 2008

standing up for what he believes in.

so mercer has had an eventful few days. he can now pull himself up on almost anything and stand. not by himself just yet, but he can balance pretty well. this includes the crib and pack and play. he loves to crawl towards mommy when she is sitting on the couch, grab her knee, and pull himself up. he also loves the applause he gets every time he does this.

what he hates, though, is whenever we have to take a toy away from him. that crying will take some getting used to. he usually stops after five seconds, but that initial burst of tears is a real ear-buster.

we've also started giving him a bath without a bathing chair. we know we've been late in taking the chair away from him in the bath, but it's so easy to give him a bath with it. but, we really need to get him used to a regular bath. he doesn't like his bare bum on the tub, crying every time we put him down, but we'll get there. practice makes perfect.

stephen malkmus and the jicks - "baltimore"

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