02 January 2008

the crawler.

happy new year, everyone. how many resolutions have been broken so far?

well, what better way to ring in the new year by announcing that mercer is pretty much crawling now. it used to be that he would just roll over and over to get to his destination, but now he motors around pretty efficiently on his belly. he gets up on his knees and grabs at just about anything, too. oh yes, and he loves to lunge. all good progress for him - more grey hairs for mom and pop.

this morning, he has really taken to pop's guitar. maybe he likes the wood or the hollow sound it makes when he bangs on it. pop will sit mercer clear across the room and in seconds, he's right back at the guitar again. amazing. he also likes sharp corners, wires, and anything expensive. and you'd think he'd be tired after all this crawling activity, but it has been quite the contrary. his naps have become shorter and shorter. oh well. best to just roll with the punches.

sleep tight and crawl it up!

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