04 January 2008

on kneeling.

so pop just put mercer down to sleep. he is flying solo this weekend with mom out in central pennsylvania for a baby shower.

for the past few days and nights, mercer has been going through what i guess you could call a phase. maybe it's teething, maybe it's sickness, maybe it's just regular development, but it's been a little rough. mercer has been whining an awful lot, not getting many naps in, and not sleeping through the night; oftentimes waking up between 1:30AM and 2:30AM. in addition, he has also learned how to kneel. and he loves it. so when he wakes up at night, he kneels in his crib and just stares at us in our bed (which is maybe 2 feet away)....whining...and staring...and whining...and staring. mercer needs his own room. and fast.

we get him back to sleep, but only after some feeding, changing, and soothing. actually, mom does all this while pop overreacts.

tonight, pop tried a new approach. he kept mercer up a little later, playing with him nonstop with no tv (gasp!). he also fed him a lot more food - and even food for babies slightly older than him to fill him up but good. everything has gone according to plan so far; mercer is slumbering away. but when the clock strikes midnight, pop will begin to tremble, for a certain little someone just might be awake...watching........

sleep tight...or not.

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