06 January 2008

mr. personality.

mom and pop were discussing what, if any, personality characteristics mercer has, and who they might have come from. we both agree that, physically, mercer is pretty much Pop, The Sequel (except for the blue eyes). no real debate there.

mercer is usually pretty mellow. he gets that from pop. mercer loves to nap and sleep and gets annoyed when he doesn't have enough of it. that's from mom. he's also willing to meet new people and befriend them right away. that's all mom. mercer doesn't complain too much when he's got a wet diaper or is hungry; he soldiers on. a lot like pop (minus the wet diapers). his cheerfulness and giggling probably comes from both mom and pop, but many of you know he can get very serious, concentrating on the task at hand. that's pop. he likes mellowing out on the couch, too, watching law and order or soccer. that's mom and pop. he also likes going to museums, parks, restaurants, and stuff like that. just like mom and pop.

so far, what we know of mercer's personality seems like a perfect split between his two parents. not bad. it's strange how we can already see little things like this. maybe we're just seeing it because we want to. maybe it's too early to tell anything about his personality. it's fun to think about, though.

sleep tight...

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