08 January 2008

double major.

two pretty big adjustments were made yesterday. first, mom and pop got mercer a brand new car seat. it's one of the priciest available, but the positive reviews couldn't be ignored. plus, it will last mercer for a few years (65 pounds), so we're definitely getting our money's worth. it has tested very highly for safety and also has a lot of great features not found on too many other models out there. it's a convertible car seat, which means that it is still rear-facing until he reaches a certain weight. then we spin it around so he can face forward like a real person. we also needed to get the seat for our upcoming trip to see mercer's great-grandparents in florida.

the second adjustment was moving mercer's mattress to the lower position in the crib. mercer had been climbing all over the top railing for the past few nights, so it was clearly time to make the change. mercer is kneeling, sitting, crawling, and grabbing like crazy, so this move will provide some extra security at night.

mercer is back on his day care schedule and doing great. they had to put up a gate for the door because mercer kept trying to crawl out! good boy!

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