22 January 2008

food stuffs.

we gave mercer a few new foods tonight. he generally likes everything, but these had different consistencies than mercer is used to. he is getting more difficult to feed because he's much more active. we tried:

watermelon: liked it, but choked on it and threw up a little. will try smaller pieces next time?

yogurt: loves this.

chicken: really worked this over in his mouth. didn't seem to mind it, but it took a while to get down. we only gave him a very tiny piece.

seltzer: we had to use this to wash the chicken down. he loves drinking from cups, so we gave him some seltzer in a cup. he makes a great face when we drinks seltzer.

tomorrow mercer has his nine month checkup, so we'll ask the doc for some tips. we'll post his vital stats as soon as we get them, too.

sleep tight!

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