10 December 2007

who's the teething baby?

mercer, that's who.

it turns out that mercer's cold-like symptoms are due to teething. at least that's what the doctor says, but what does he know? apparently, mercer has a bunch of upper teeth on the way that could be giving our little creature some trouble. he's still coughing a lot, but we got a humidifier today to try and help that out.

mercer is playing in his toy car/walker right now, honking and beeping away. we're all getting ready for christmas, which is right around the corner! in between the feedings and changings, mom and pop are wrapping gifts and ordering a few last minute gifts online. no one can wait until mercer's first christmas arrives! pop just got a call from santa last night, who said that mercer has been a very good boy this year.

sleep tight..

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