02 December 2007

girls weekend!

mercer had lots of visitors this weekend. in alpha order, aunt alyssa, azure, katie, and nicole were in town to give mercer some snuggles. aunt erin was able to join in over the phone all the way from the magical land of "oregon." the gang did their annual holiday get-together thing as well as some shopping, eating, and laughing. everyone got a kick out of mercer and thought he was very cuddly.

pop doesn't know too many of the details because he high-tailed it to new jersey to hang out with uncle jon and aunt meredith (mercer has more aunts and uncles than the cosby's had grandparents). they had fun eating, drinking, shopping, and indulging in other various forms of merriment, such as going to a local hockey game. who goes to see hockey when it's freezing outside? crazy people, that's who. it was fun.

in the past few weeks or so, mercer has seen his first snowfall and christmas tree. he is very curious about the tree, and not just because of the lights. he stares at it, puts his hand out to touch a branch, and then immediately pulls his hand back because he's feels prickles. it's very cute.

we also gave mercer his first taste of lemon the other night. all of the effort that goes into raising a baby is worth it when you see their reaction to sour lemon! mercer was so cute. he puckered up a little and cocked his head back. his eyes got a little scrunchy, too. he didn't mind it, though, so we gave him a little bit more. we'll try it again soon.

another week is upon us. time for a rest.

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