27 December 2007

the eyes have it.

mercer had his first eye checkup today. normally, 8-month old babies don't have their eyes checked, but pop has been paranoid about mercer's left eye for awhile now. it's slightly smaller than the right and during sick spells or tiredness, the eye looks much different than the right. the eyelid droops quite a bit. anyway, pop was worried that if too much of the eyelid drooped, it would cover important parts of the eye, causing laziness (lazy eye).

the office we visited was fantastic - maybe the best pop has ever been in - and the doctor even better. she got mercer to concentrate very easily and was able to examine him long enough to tell us that there's nothing wrong except slight asymmetry in the skin surrounding the left eye, which everyone has if you look hard enough. she was able to see signs that he might need glasses later on like mom and pop, but we kind of expected that. long story short, mercer's eyes are developing perfectly and there's nothing to worry about. we'll confirm that for sure in 4 months when we re-visit.

another interesting thing she confirmed is that mercer's eyes make him look much more mature than he is. his eyes never had that infant "doe-eyed" look; rather, his were almond-shaped right off the bat. it caused many (including us) to think of him as older than he really is! still, he's an old man now! 8 months!

mercerMusic blowOut:
okkervil river - "our life is not a movie or maybe"
jens lekman - "postcard to nina"
the arcade fire - "keep the car running"
feist - "1 2 3 4"

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