18 December 2007

sweet and sour.

mercer had a pretty good day yesterday. we think day care messed up his feeding yesterday, so we had a talk with them this morning. what happened was that they supposedly fed him applesauce and squash. only we never gave them applesauce to feed him. plus, they said they fed him 18 ounces of formula, yet when we got home, he sucked down another 8 ounces, which is very uncharacteristic of a teething baby. something is definitely fishy. his normal daytime caretaker was out yesterday, but she's back in today, so hopefully the ship will be righted.

mercer was in fine spirits despite the mix-up. he was rolling around the house like a tumbleweed, laughing and giggling. we read a story at night and he was all smiles. but for some reason, he woke up twice during the night. mommy was very tired but got up to gently soothe mercer back to sleep. pop slept through everything, basically, proving he is useful only to make mercer laugh. oh well.

also - mercer is now 8 months old!

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