04 December 2007

mean streak.

we picked up mercer from day care today and we could tell right away that he was very tired. as soon as we got home, mom brought him upstairs to the sleeping chamber so he could get a nap. this kind of annoys us because day care doesn't let him sleep properly. therefore, we have to pay for it at night by not being able to have him awake as much as we'd like for playtime.

so anyway, mom got him sleeping on the master bed while pop prepared some dinner. dinner was had and mercer was still sleeping, but it was approaching his dinner time as well. we decided to wake him up. big mistake. he was fast asleep and did not appreciate the uninvited intruders. we tried to play with him but he started crying and whining. then we tried to feed him a bottle and he swatted it away. then we tried solid food and he was too busy crying to even notice it. finally, mommy picked him up and he calmed down. we tried the bottle again and he drank a good 8 or so ounces of formula. no solid food tonight.

after the bottle it was mercer as usual. lots of smiles, giggles, and fun times. now we're reading "goodnight moon" to him and trying to warm up the bedroom. it's a cold night! sleep tight...

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