03 December 2007


mercer loves playing peek-a-boo. last night, pop was hiding at the foot of the bed, popping his head and up and down. mercer, who was belly-down on the bed, giggled each time he saw dad's head pop up. but he also shuffled his way across half the bed to find daddy. a few months ago, mercer would've just thought that daddy kept disappearing into thin air. now, mercer understands that daddy is simply hiding. that's called object permanence; knowing that objects exist even if they're not visible. congratulations, mercer! you're learning!

all else is well in mercerland. he had a great day in day care, as usual. he's still fascinated by the christmas tree and we're going to be taking pictures of him with the tree soon.

a growing boy needs his shuteye. sleep tight...

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