28 October 2007

what fun.

mercer had a great weekend. we spent saturday with mercer's wonderful friend sydney and her fantastic parents, chris and kyle. mercer and sydney either played by themselves or kept each other entertained while c + k stuffed us with delicious food and drink. yum. getting mercer and sydney together is quite entertaining because they usually just look at each other curiously and then play footsies or pose for pictures (some of which will be up here very shortly). they're still trying to make sense of each other, but you can tell they get along well.

mercer got his halloween costume on (he is a hot dog this year) and we all walked down to the local halloween parade, which was a lot of fun. we caught the tail end of it, but we got to march (using that term loosely) behind the band and some emergency vehicles. lots of people took notice of mercer, which he seemed to like. he doesn't shy away from new people or faces very often. we returned home for yet more good food and had to call it an evening. mercer passed out in the car ride home and mom and pop did the same shortly thereafter.

today (sunday) the family did some basic shopping and running about. mercer was a little bit ornery because he was still somewhat tired from the previous day's activities, but he was fine overall. we're starting to feed him at the table and he sat in his first high chair in a restaurant today. our boy is growing up!

jeremy enigk - "on the wayside"

seep tight....and remember to vote!

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