22 October 2007

cranky mercer?

so we picked mercer up from day care and the workers called him "cranky" and "upset." they're used to a calm and quiet mercer, but really, i think they failed (and always fail) to give him proper nap times. they give us a daily sheet that outlines what he did all day (sleeping, eating, relieving, etc.) and i tend not to believe a word of it. each time we pick mercer up from the center, he is very tired, therefore, i have to believe that they don't let him sleep properly. and when mercer doesn't sleep, sure, he gets cranky. wouldn't you? i think a nice talk with the director is in order.

anyway, we picked him up after work and he was as fine as could be. we fed him sweet potatoes for the first time and he gobbled them all up; just in time for thanksgiving. he also had his daily cereal and such. he then took a nice nap and we played for the rest of the night. mercer has been a model baby. now mom and pop are going to put the little guy to sleep and finish watching 'children of men,' which dad is enjoying very much, but he's not sure mommy is.

the voting has closed on the latest poll. 50% of you think that mercer's smiley mouth is his cutest facial feature. pop tends to agree. second place was his button nose, which pop also tends to agree with. a new poll will be up shortly; mom and pop have to think of a good question.

shannon wright - "everybody's got their own part to play"
the broken west - "so it goes"
the mobius band - "the loving sounds of static"

sleep tight...

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