11 October 2007


don't ask what "skronkface" means. it's just something dad started calling mercer just now before he put him in the bath. it probably has to do with how mercer's face skronks up when he giggles. now we're actually onto "giggleface," which we use quite often.

mercer ate bananas today! and he liked them! at first, he tested the new flavor in his mouth, rolling the foreign substance around with his tongue a little bit. then, he opened up for another mouthful! this is in stark contrast to how he treats peaches and peas; it's as if his mouth is wired shut. so, if you'd like to keep record at home, here are the solid foods mercer has eaten in the past month: oatmeal, rice cereal, prunes, peas, peaches, squash, carrots, green beans, pears, and bananas.

here are the solid foods dad has eaten in the past month: pretzels.

mercer had a good sleep last night. i bet everyone is bored reading about that, but it's what happened. actually, he did get his arm caught between the mattress and crib a couple of times. it didn't bother him, except he couldn't get back to sleep. at 5:30, pop got up to rearrange mercer in the crib, but thought he was wide awake and threw him into the regular sized bed with mom so we could play with him before feeding time. but mercer was still very sleepy and went right back to sleep. in fact, mercer sleepily scooted over right next to daddy and cuddled up on his side right beside him, his fingers grasping at any loose sheet he could find. daddy barely had any room on the bed while mom had what seemed like acres. mercer almost cuddled daddy right off the bed! no matter, as pop had to get up and go to work anyway.

mercer has a busy weekend coming up with uncle jon and aunt meredith coming over for a visit. we're going to do some spooky halloween-y type stuff. hopefully the weather holds up!

sleep tight...

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