18 October 2007

no, really, road to recovery.

today we picked mercer up early from day care because he "just wasn't himself," according to the caretakers. we took him home and he was obviously tired. he was also suffering from some "blockages." let's just leave it at that. plus, he's still feeling the pain from all of the shots he had yesterday. however, after some long naps and feeding this afternoon, we think mercer has finally cleared a hurdle. his sneezes are much drier, coughs much cleaner, and he doesn't sound nearly as congested as did was yesterday. plus, he's giggling normally and playing more.

all this just in time for a visit to see his grandparents and other assorted family members this weekend. mercer is excited to see everyone and show off his cuteness and new skills. he's not so excited that the weather will be disgustingly hot (73 is too hot for october), but we'll work through it.

be sure to vote in the new poll; let us know which part of mercer's tiny little face is the cutest. please, leave comments and suggestions, etc. i've already surmised that some of these posts are too long. so pop, mom, + mercer will say goodnight now.

the classic brown - "modulation"

sleep tight...


Scott said...

I wish all of the Classic Brown songs were as good as this one.

Scott said...

Not sure why that posted as "mcnutts" rather than Scott. This is Scott.

Mercer Jackson said...

i agree, mcnutts. although, from what i heard on itunes, the first song on the album sounded pretty good, too. but, for some reason, this song always follows me around.