03 October 2007


mercer's eating schedule was all over the place today. he was hungry at weird times and then sometimes threw up what daddy gave him but then wasn't hungry for awhile. ahh, babies. everything is fine now as he gulps his nightly meal.

mercer had some good naps today and playtime. dad finished watching syriana during one of the naps and thought it was just an OK movie. he was confusing it with thinking it was babel with brad pitt. mercer and pop took a walk to the local chinese eatery for some take-away. when mom got home, dad was a bit preoccupied with chelsea's splendid come from behind win against valencia. she fed mercer some more peas, but mixed it with some squash. he liked everything more today than he did last night, so that's promising.

some bonus info: mercer opened and closed the freezer door tonight for the first time. while pop was carrying him, mercer was able to grab hold of the handle and he didn't let go as daddy moved back to pull the door open. what a strong little boy!

tomorrow, mommy and mercer get to spend the entire day together. he is becoming a handful; always squirming and bouncing. luckily, he is also always squealing, giggling, and laughing.

did i mention this nickname yet: oven roaster.

sleep tight.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

Mercer, so you can open the freezer now! Soon you'll be able to get Grandpa his nightly Ben & Jerry's