29 October 2007

between the sticks.

we've developed a fun little game that causes mercer to giggle uncontrollably. basically, we sit mercer up on the floor with the aid of some pillows, while from across the room, pop kicks a soft, stuffed soccer ball into mercer's belly. anytime the ball even grazes part of mercer's body, he laughs like crazy. sometimes he'll grab onto the ball and try to stuff it into his mouth, which is impossible, of course, because the ball is bigger than his head.

mercer was all giggles tonight. not only did we play the soccer game, but mercer seemed intrigued from a line we kept repeating from the british version of the office ("please move away from the cookie jar!"). every time mom or pop mentioned the line, mercer erupted with side-splitting giggles. and we got a lot of it on video!

it's getting chilly and mercer's winter wardrobe is making it's first appearance of the season. going for walks after work will become a little more involved because of coats, hats, and gloves. pop has also been watching a ton of movies recently, including the last king of scotland (good), year of the dog (very good), saw 2 (terrible), and breakfast on pluto (cliche, but good).

the octopus project - "bees bein' strugglin'"

sleep tight...

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