03 March 2008

mean pop.

hot on the heels of a positive post about mercer being a happy baby, it seems as though mercer and pop have had their first fight. well, there wasn't really a fight at all. it's pop's fault, because at the end of the day, mercer is only 7,200 hours old.

mercer decided to wake up last night at 2am. in doing so, he woke mom and pop up, too. he whined for a good while until mom worked her magic and got him sleeping again in his crib. it's hard for pop to fall asleep in the first place and even harder to try and go back to sleep at 3am. so, when mercer woke up this morning at around 6:30, mom and pop were very tired. very tired. we brought him into bed with us as we normally do for some play time. he was playing, but mom and pop didn't do much of anything because they were resting. anyway, as previously mentioned, mercer loves to rake pop's face and then try to stand up on the bed and knock the painting over the bed down on the floor. well, pop lost his cool and threw some rather stern "no's" in mercer's direction. he also had to grab mercer down from the standing position because, in all honesty, it's kind of dangerous for a 10-month old to stand on a bed. ever since this morning, mercer has been giving pop the stink eye. no smiles, nothing.

pop deserves it. he lost his cool. some bonding, forgiveness, and begging needs to happen tonight. pop will try harder in the future, but to be honest, he never really gets upset.

mercer, when you're old enough to read this, pop is sorry. it's a shame, too, because you're so cute today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm calling dyfs. maybe you shouldn't be at Nevada's from 7:45am to 2:30pm.