11 March 2008

good, bad, ugly.

mercer developed a bit of a cold over the weekend. he's coughing a little bit, sneezing, and we're constantly wiping his tiny, runny nose. all this comes with poor eating and light sleeping, too. he'll cry for bottles, but doesn't seem too interested in his normal feasts of peas, baby food, cheese, bread, and barley at lunch and dinner. he's woken up in the middle of the night 2 out of the past 3 nights and mom has had to let him sleep in bed with her. still, he tosses and turns.

it's probably just his cold bothering him, but the good news is, he still likes to play and cruise. he's standing for longer periods of time now (4 seconds or so). he's also pushing his lounging chair around the living room and becoming more vocal. hopefully, the cold will pass soon so he can focus on regaining his strength to start standing and walking better. his face still lights up during playtime, so he can't be all that sick.

pop can only marvel at mercer, though; if pop had a cold with new teeth bursting through his gums, he'd be stuck in bed, whining worse than mercer.

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