06 March 2008

holy cuteness.

mercer was probably the cutest he's ever been this morning. not sure why, he was just very cute. once he woke up, pop grabbed him for some morning play time in bed. he lounged with us, played with our hair fringe, squeezed various parts of our faces, and gave us his typical gentle smiles. there weren't many face rakes or punches. just a calm, cuddly mercer.

in other developments, mercer is starting to learn how to play peek-a-boo. he'll pull a blanket close to his face, though not totally covering it, and whip it away really quick as pop says "peek-a-boo!" mercer giggles and does it again. and again. and again.

he's also standing for longer periods of time without any help. i think the longest he's stood for was about 5 seconds yesterday. he'll be walking (and falling) in no time.

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