13 March 2008

getting there.

mercer is slowly getting back to normal after struggling with bouts of coughing, sneezing, and separation anxiety. every time we put him in the crib for a nap, he starts whining and convulsing. that never used to happen. still, he does fall asleep after a few minutes, so we don't know what his problem is. his pouting face is so cute.

mercer was a very good boy for pop yesterday, napping quite a bit and eating all of his food. as pop was sending emails for work, mercer was playing all around the bedroom. without knowing it, he stood for what was probably a solid minute. he's becoming more and more interested in books, too, which is nice. he can also open sliding closet doors and any door that is the slightest bit ajar.

pop has been able to watch a lot of movies recently for some reason. some of them are ones mom and pop saw in the theater before mercer was around: thank you for smoking (to the point, great cast, very good), munich (preachy, but worthwhile), the break-up (why does pop love terrible popcorn movies? this, along with just married, ocean's eleven, etc.), blood diamond (very good. dicaprio was surprisingly good), breach (OK, if not predictable thriller), and probably some more. blah.

mercer will be 11 months old next week!

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