01 November 2007

who's the standing baby?

no, mercer can't stand yet, but he's getting there. he can almost sit up all by himself and we let him sit in the running bath for a little while tonight. he loves the water just like his old man. pretty soon, he'll cry when we take him out.

mercer spent halloween in school and was supposed to be part of some kind of parade or party but it was all over by the time mom picked him up. we still have no idea whether the care takers dressed mercer up in his costume, but they give parents DVDs of the party, so we'll see what that action looked like.

mercer was a great baby for mom today. he was well-behaved and is napping in his crib regularly. he loves to squirm, inspect new items, and put them in his mouth. mom and dad have to be that much more attentive now.

jenny lewis and the watson twins: "the big guns"

sleep tight...

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