19 November 2007

early to bed, late to rise.

for the past week or so, mercer has been getting tired a little bit earlier each night. on top of that, he's been wanting to sleep late every morning. he'll wake up at his normal time, talk, and rustle around a little bit in his crib. but then he can go right back to sleep, which is odd for him. the same goes for if we have to get him up for day care. we can change his diaper and dress him, but he'll fall right back asleep on pop's chest if you let him! so tonight we're trying to put him to bed a little bit earlier so our growing boy can get some more sleep. we'll see how it works. we'll keep you posted, of course.

the latest poll is over! most of you thought we should keep mercer's hair short when it decides to grow back. letting it grow wasn't far behind and a few jokesters even voted for the mullet. we'll see what his hair looks like when it really starts coming in, but I think I can guarantee there will be no mullet.

mercer saw his first snow this morning. another of mercer's many firsts.

the arcade fire with bruce springsteen - "keep the car running"

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