14 November 2007

one fine mercer.

mercer was absolutely perfect for pop today. he ate all of the food he was supposed to eat, slept when daddy put him down, and played during playtime. no fuss, no crying, no messes. when mommy got home, we all went out to pick up a rental car that mommy needs for work tomorrow. she's going on a trip to albany, so mercer needs to spend an extra day in day care this week. no matter, because next week, he's only in the Big House for one day. mercer can't wait for thanksgiving.

after we picked up the car (a nissan pathfinder!), pop got a haircut, and then the gang went to a favorite pizza joint. everyone stuffed their faces, including mercer, who chomped down sweet potatoes and corn. we can't wait until mercer can eat pizza and all sorts of good things. it'll be here before we know it.

now mercer is getting his nightly rubdown and snack. sweet dreams, big guy.

sondre lerche and regina spektor - "hell no"


Unknown said...

A Pathfinder is a nice rental car. Last time we rented a car we got stuck with a PT Cruiser.

I have a question for Mercer - I watched The Hunt for Red October tonight, when will he be ready to watch it?

Spirit of 78 said...

that's funny. they offered us a PT Cruiser but we picked the pathfinder. I drove it last night. Love it.

Mercer sez: My TV time is limited by my parents. Dad makes me watch soccer all the time, but I am trying to branch out into dramas. I noticed that Red October is on frequently these days. i will DVR it for pop and I to watch. I already know the quotes. "I don't care much for the uniform."

Unknown said...

Do you want to see Montana? You will son, you will. Wait for it.