09 November 2007

avocado boy.

well, mercer finally ate some fresh food today. after limited success with green beans, squash, and applesauce, mercer devoured some smashed avocado and bananas tonight. at first, he squished the odd substances around his mouth trying to place the new texture. but his face beamed with delight and he opened his mouth for more, even when we supplemented each bite with oatmeal. good boy, mercer! the pre-packaged gerber foods are fine, but all natural is better. we'll keep it going as long as we can.

mercer is taking a quick trip to new jersey this weekend for some family functions. all of the grandparents are trembling with anticipation for some cuddling and kissing. he'll be in new jersey a bunch over the next few months since it'll be his very first holiday season. it's an exciting time, to say the least. maybe he'll even partake in the christmas goose! or blood pudding.

safe journeys, mercer.

maritime - "calm"

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