21 October 2008

thank you.

thanks to all who donated towards making strides against breast cancer. we really appreciate it. while we personally didn't hit our internal goal, your contributions helped the point pleasant, new jersey event raise more than one million dollars. statewide, the making strides events will have raised around 5 million dollars when all is said and done. that's amazing.

grandma would definitely be proud of us, but there is still work to do. next year, we plan on making a more concerted team effort to hit our internal goal and help fight breast cancer.

that being said, there's still time to make a donation toward this year's event if you'd like, so drop us a line to ask us how or click the widget on the right side of the blog. by the way, that widget total is misleading...we've raised much more than $250 through this site. it's closer to $1,000, but American Cancer Society's technology is still stuck in 2002 or so.

again...thanks so much.

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