21 October 2008

election 2008.

yesterday, on an NBC affiliate in colorado, republican vice-presidential candidate sarah palin was asked a question sent in to the station by a third grader named brandon garcia. the question?

“what does the Vice President do?”

keep in mind that Palin has had months to prep for this question since becoming the vp pick. seems that she's still not clear on what the vice president does, telling young brandon that the vp is in "charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom."


in reality, the vp's only involvement with the senate is to provide a tie-breaking vote in case of a deadlock. a vice president in no way shape or form can "get in there with the senators" and make policy.

just another example of how little the republican party cares about facts, the country, and it's children.

source: think progress


Grandpa said...

Our first VP, John Adams, tried to be an activist President of the Senate, but the senators let him know that they'll call him if there's a tie vote.
The worst thing about Palin is that she doesn't know what she doesn't know.


Unknown said...

Mercer is really up on the election events. Tell him to relax and enjoy Mom's blackberry and not to poop in restaurants. These decisions won't affect him anyway, oh wait, tell him to register! Hurry!