24 October 2008

BREAKING: mercer visits the doctor for his 18 month checkup.

there he is. stripped down to his underpants, waiting for the doctor. if history is any guide, there will soon be screaming, kicking, crying, whining, tears, and tongue depressors everywhere! good luck, little guy.


Grandpa said...

Mercer, if I was at the doctor with you I'd have you do the same things I did with your father...fool around with all the doctors stuff. The Q-tip jar, blood pressure cuff, that light they use to check your ears, etc. It's all fair game. It makes you feel like you're getting your money's worth as the doctor is 45 minutes late for the appointment.
In the picture it looks like you're fooling with the exam table...good start.


Unknown said...

I second Grandpa's comment. I usually go for the buttons on any electronic device nearby.
Remember, Mom and Dad are bringing you there against your will...