03 October 2008

apple chips.

the other day, mercer was holding one apple chip in each hand. pop could tell he was thirsty, so he offered mercer some milk. mercer acknowledged that, yes, he wanted the milk. however, mercer was in a bind when he realized that both of his hands were already occupied with apple chips, thus leaving no space for the milk cup.

watching his mind race, pop tried to solve the problem by taking the half-eaten, mushy, mangled apple chip out of his left hand so it was free to hold the milk. pop went to the garbage can and threw it out. mercer saw this, but didn't make the connection that he could now hold the milk in one hand and hold a fresh apple chip in the other. instead, he took the perfectly good chip that was still in his right hand, lifted the trash lid, threw the chip in the can, and clapped his hands.

this boy loves to mimic.

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