13 May 2008

nap master.

mercer and pop haven't napped together in probably 6 months. mercer has been too antsy to sit still with another human...until today!

mercer woke up normally at 6AM and pop fetched him from the crib. mom has been away, so it was just the guys for the morning play session. pop thought that mercer would surely squiggle and wiggle all over the place, whining like usual until he was on the floor and running. instead, mercer snuggled up against pop and asleep they went. next thing you know, pop looks at the clock and it's 7:51! mercer was due at day care in 9 minutes. whoops!

we rushed out the door within a half hour, but all was fine. mercer was able to get breakfast at day care and pop got in just a little bit later than he normally does. the snuggling was worth it.


wolf parade: "call it a ritual"

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