15 May 2008

day tripper

as you can see on the right, we've incorporated a little bit of a photo slide show into the blog. how 2005! right now, it's just a bunch of old pictures over and over again. sure, you could look at them forever because mercer is so cute, but we plan on updating them as much as we can.

mercer has been very snuggly lately and he's looking forward to another big trip into the city this weekend to hang out with grandpa. mom will be visiting friends in pennsylvania so pop has him all to himself once again. it will be a struggle to appease mercer on the 45 minute train ride, but pop hopes that the moving scenery will keep him occupied for at least 5 minutes. the other 40 is up in the air! finding changing rooms and restaurants (that you'd actually want to eat at) with high chairs in the city is always a difficult task, but that's never stopped us before!


mock orange: "song in d"

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