09 May 2008

middle of the room getter-upper

mercer is now able to stand up by himself in the middle of the room without grabbing on to anything. it's pretty funny watching him do it, too. his butt sticks way up in the air and he's usually holding something in his hand: a sock, a soda bottle, a block. it's also very cute when mercer squats down to play with a toy. he is such a strong boy and reminds pop about how of out of shape he is!

mercer was so good yesterday. no whining, crying, or fussing. he caught up on a lot of sleep. here was his basic schedule:

6AM: wake up, play with mom and pop
7AM: eat breakfast/drink milk
7:30-8:30AM: play time with pop
8:30-11:30: NAP
11:30: milk bottle, a couple of crackers; he refused chicken sausage and pizza
12PM - 1:30PM: play time
1:30PM - 4:30PM: NAP
4:30PM - 6PM: Dinner of turkey bits, peas, apple sauce, and milk.
6:30PM: walk to starbucks with mom and pop

Have a good weekend.

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