29 May 2008


not much new here in mercerland. we're looking forward to another weekend of relaxing and possibly sleeping past 6:30AM. not sure what we'll do yet, but it might include a energetic hike at the mianus river gorge.

mercer is progressing nicely. he is eating, running, laughing, dancing, sleeping, and doing everything pretty well. he acts more and more like a real human every day! we've noticed that nobody voted in the newest poll over there to the right. it makes us think that no one reads this thing! we'll have to send out a reminder when the next kodak gallery goes out (which will be soon) that this blog still exists!

oh, and the title of this post is in honor of mercer's favorite word: "deets!"

sleep tight...


Scott said...

I didn't even know there was a poll. If anyone else is like me, they just read the RSS feeds and don't visit the site itself. But maybe I missed the post informing us about the poll. My vote: Philadelphia. He'll look cute and skinny compared to those folks. Zing!

Mercer Jackson said...

what fun is an rss feed?

A.K. said...

I didn't know about the poll, but I sure do read It and look at every picture. Love, G.A.K.